Gummy Bears Post-Workout

    People are surprised to find out that many recommend gummy bears post workout such as

myself, but if you truly understand how the human body works then you know it makes perfect

sense. Amino acids trigger protein synthesis, a necessary and automatic process of muscle

repair after exercise. Every time the muscle is “torn” from working it out you then must allow it to

repair, therefore it gets a little thicker and larger, eventually building in size and strength.

Gummy bears and other high-glycemic carbohydrates with dextrose provide a quick source of

sugar to help start replenishing what’s been lost to better help move along the repairing process.

Because your body is still using energy, the sugar is used immediately and doesn’t get stored

as fat. If you compare that to let's say regular table sugar which is what most other candies use,

table sugar is just half glucose and half fructose and fructose is where the problem occurs,

fructose is low glycemic and after a workout you want only high glycemic carbs because they

get to the muscle very fast to help replenish those carbs lost during the workout. On top of all

that, a rush of blood glucose levels when eating the gummy bears is going to spike insulin

levels which is what you want to help drive creatine and carnitine levels which is what you

should always take after workouts to better help with recovery. The best amount to eat would

be about 30-60 grams of that fast digestive carb with high dextrose immediately after or at

least 30 mins prior to your workout for maximum results. I have found this method has helped

me see tremendous results

