Static and Dynamic Stretches

1.upper trunk anterior

Downward Dog-This stretch is an upper trunk stretchy to help relieve tightness.

Instructions: Start by laying flat on your stomach with your palms facing down and your elbows up like you are about to do a pushup. Next step is to straighten your arms out and start to extend them while keeping your hips down.

2.upper trunk posterior

Lying knee hug-

Instructions: Lie on the floor or your bed face down. Put your hands at your sides at shoulder level like you are going to do a push up. Whilst keeping your back relaxed and hips on the floor, push your shoulders up and straighten your arms. Exhale when you reach the top and let your mid back sag as you exhale. Slowly lower yourself to the starting position.

3.upper extremity

Arm Across Chest Stretch

Instructions: Grasp your elbow and gently pull it across the front of your body.


 Cat Cow Stretch

Instructions: Start on all fours with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Engage your abs to arch your spine toward the ceiling like an angry cat hunching its back. Tuck your chin toward your chest and hold the pose.


5.low back 

Child's Pose



Instructions: Begin on all fours in a tabletop position. Extend your right leg straight behind you as you bring your left knee forward until it sits in a triangle directly below your abdomen. Your left foot will be facing back behind you or to the left depending on your flexibility. If you feel a stretch in your hip and glutes, hold here. To deepen the stretch, fold forward until your chest is resting on top of your left leg.

7.lower extremity anterior side 

Lying shin Stretch

Instructions :Lie on your side with the knee bent on the upper leg so your foot is now behind your back. Reach back and grab your forefoot, pulling it to your back.

8.lower extremity posterior side

Hamstring stretch

Instructions: Sit on the floor with both legs out straight. Extend your arms and reach forward by bending at the waist as far as possible while keeping your knees straight.


1.upper trunk anterior

Double arm arm stretch

Instruction: Stand tall with feet shoulder width apart. Lift arms to your side to shoulder height with your palms forward. Push arms back until you feel the stretch in your chest and hold stretch

2.upper trunk posterior

Clam Shells-This stretch addresses tightness in the following structures: The thoracic spine and ribcage, the pectorals, the anterior neck, the abdominal obliques, and the fascia across the anterior torso and arms.

Instructions: Begin on your side with a foam roll under the top knee(Or knee on the ground) as shown.  With the arms together, extend them out directly in front of you. Then, while still keeping the knee on the ground, rotate by twisting the upper back such that the top arm is now touching the floor behind you.


3.upper extremity

Standing arm swing

Instruction: Stand tall with your arms by your sides. Engage your core and swing your arms forward until they’re as high as you can go. Make sure you don’t raise your shoulders. Return your arms to the starting position and repeating


Twisting crocodile stretch 

Instruction: Lay down on an exercise mat or carpet with your back against the floor. Keep your right leg straight and bring your left leg up. Bend the knee, placing the left foot flat against the front of your right ankle. Stretch your arms out to your sides. Look to the left, then slowly twist your hips to the right.

5.low back 

Knee Twists

Instruction: Lay your back, spread your arms to the side and bring your knees up to 90 degrees.

Without moving your arms and upper body, twist your hips to the left side and try to touch the floor (Or go as far as you can)

Hold for 2 sec at end range

Now twist your hips to the opposite side (right)



Instructions: From a standing position, take a big step forward with your left foot as if you were doing an extended lunge. Plant your left foot firmly on the ground. Place your right hand on the floor next to your left foot and twist your upper body to the left as you extend your left arm toward the ceiling.


7.lower extremity anterior side 

Ankle Rotations

Raise your foot about 20 inches off the floor. Then with your toe upward, rotate the foot to the left and then back to the right. Hold for 10 seconds then return to the starting position.

8.lower extremity posterior side

High kicks

Instruction: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms by your sides. Lift one leg straight out as high as you can while reaching for it with your opposite hand. Avoid leaning too far forward, and maintain a neutral back.

Lower your lifted leg and repeat with the opposite leg. Continue alternating sides.
